Spencer M.: We offer ESPN, ESPN-U with U-200.
you: $199 for installing what, exactly?
Spencer M.: TV and Internet.
you: You're not installing a TV, and you're not installing the internet. The TV I own, and the Internet is a intangible network of interconnected computers.
Spencer M.: Just to inform U-verse services are required to be installed by a AT&T technician.
you: Right. But what I am asking is WHAT is being isntalled. A service is not something that gets installed. A modem, and cable box are simply electronics which would need to simply be plugged in. So, my question is what is being "installed", that would cost a new customer $199?
Spencer M.: To ensure that your TV and Internet services are installed correctly and performs to its fullest capacity, installation by a trained AT&T technician is required.
Spencer M.: All televisions are connected to the Gateway through coax or CAT5. The AT&T U-verse technician will perform a series of tests on your existing wiring and only wiring which doesn't meet the high quality standards will be replaced.
Spencer M.: Does that answer your question now?
you: Not really. But it's certainly closer.
you: Does the installation fee only apply to the U-Basic package?
Spencer M.: Yes.
you: What is the next cheapest package? u-200? What is the total, per month, bundled with the 12MB internet service?
Spencer M.: With other plans, there are no installation charges and you even get $150 rewards.
Spencer M.: Do you want the sports package?
you: If it is not going to cost me several thousand dollars a month, then yes.
Spencer M.: It is $10.00/month.
you: that is much less than multiple thousands of dollars.
Spencer M.: Your bundle service will be at $117.00 per month before taxes for the first 6 months, at the end of 6 months the regular price of $153.00 per month will apply before taxes.
Spencer M.: This price includes 2TVs HD feature Sports package and equipment fee.
Spencer M.: Moreover if you sign up online today you would also get AT&T rewards worth $100.00 and additional $50.00 for ordering online (limited time offer)
Spencer M.: Does this package sound like something you would be interested in ordering?
Spencer M.: How does that sound to you?
you: I'm not making the final decision. If there were butler robots, (I think DirecTV offers those) I would jump on it. But that is much more than the basic bundle. It would only take me 2 months to offset the absurd install fee, if I went with it.
Spencer M.: Pricing and promotions are consistent for all of our customers. We are unable to change any prices or offer any promotional deals or rebates that are not already stated online.
you: Forget it then. IF I can't have butler robots, and college football 24/7, even in the off season, I'm just going to go live in a cabin in the woods, and instead of watching Bill O'Reilly, I'll just eat a lot of mushrooms and get mauled by a wild boar. It's pretty much the same thing.
you: And I'll be saving money.